The pretty-crazy life of a late 20ish career-driven, quirky, Asian drama addict who thinks she's Holden Caulfield in real life.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines (again)... oh well...

The blueprint isn't laid out openly as I wished it to be. The future is still looking bleak, if there is anything really. And I don't see it happening so soon. Oh well...


Valentine's eve and I am spending the night with Mark Haddon (A Spot of Bother is hilarious... read it!), contemplating on consuming this unopened chocolate bar from my unnichan and her hubby and a sweet greeting card (again, from them). Our annoying neighbor is keeping the whole neighborhood awake, singing his equally annoying rendition of Rey Valera's classics. Just because it's valentines, you freakin' arse, still don't have the right to murder these songs and our eardrums, you fat bug!

Seriously, I am annoyed to infinity.

I went home *extra* early today 'coz I don't want to be caught up amidst floating flowers, *extra* snoggly couples, traffic, *extra* snoggly couples, more floating flowers and traffic. U-huh. Oh shut up, I am being bitter, I know.

This whole being single thing doesn't really help. Hypocrisy aside, there's just one question in my mind during this so-called time of the year: "Why the hell am I single?!?" But the day after, I wake up happy again and loving myself even more. And the moment I open my eyes, I still can say, 'You rock God!'

I thought I ought to give myself a little something this year... if no one would do it for me, I'll do it for myself. =)

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end... (Anonymous says)


Kat said...

Woot! This makes it my nth Valentine to be single din haha (sarcastic yun). In a way, I don't mind, but you can't help but mind, y'know?

A lot of well meaning friends keep saying "Darating din yan!" pero naiinip na ako. In the words of John Mayer, "I'm tired of being alone, so hurry up & get here." Hngrrr.

*hugs Thet*

Lady Holden said...

i feel yah ma friend... hihi... *hugs kat* cheers to our single-ness *woot!*