The pretty-crazy life of a late 20ish career-driven, quirky, Asian drama addict who thinks she's Holden Caulfield in real life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

missing AQ

thanks to cristine and the boyzIImen, i feel like i am a little unnerved today. someone crossed my mind. someone whom i thought i would be able to get over with in just a week's time (okay, two or three weeks) after all, i was really hurt and i guess it still stings. i mean, really... i don't know why this guy made such an impression on me. okay, he's cute, funny, a no-nonsense good conversationalist, an artist, an introvert and extrovert combined (confusing huh?!) and super kuliiit! (my weakness... hehe!) okay, i'm a big hypocrite if i do not admit that i miss him. yea, maybe just a little... or maybe quite the opposite... I've been thinking a lot about him these days. sad no? workload and all... psyched out or not... he is there... constantly popping into my head. I suppose there is nothing really wrong about it as long as i keep my sanity in tact and avoid doing crazy things like confessing (hehe) to him for the second time. i mean i am way over that... i'd slap myself hard if i have to. i guess i just miss the person...