The pretty-crazy life of a late 20ish career-driven, quirky, Asian drama addict who thinks she's Holden Caulfield in real life.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just another Sunday

I think I am reverting to my old Sunday ways and I am not liking it. Sunday for me used to be a bummer's day; meaning, it was me, my bed and the TV. I could like let a whole day pass without going out of my room, except for an occasional trip to the cr and to get myself some food. I told myself while it is good to do that sometimes, I wouldn't want to waste my time anymore doing nothing. Plus, I kind of promised to devote the first half of the day with my 'date' with God. Unfortunately, I haven't been too successful with both. Well, today might be an exception 'coz I am still not feeling well. I missed Church again... tsk... Mom even did my laundry for me today and I totally adore her even more.
Anyway, I guess there isn't really much to tell 'coz I didn't do anything or at least nothing interesting happened today. I'll just share these videos of my new found fave 'earplug', Brooke Fraser.

DECIPHERING ME (this one's my favorite!=))


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