The pretty-crazy life of a late 20ish career-driven, quirky, Asian drama addict who thinks she's Holden Caulfield in real life.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Insomnia leads here.

haaayyyy... my life's been one big drain these past few days. I feel like I've been a walking zombie. Ironically though, I really can't understand how I feel - confused, angry, mad, sad, frustrated, etc. I hate it that I'm becoming a pessimist.

I miss being happy. I miss laughing like it would be my last. I miss a lot of people. I even miss people whom I get to see everyday. I miss talking about dreams and what-we-want-to-be-when-we-grow-old-and-withered kind of conversations. I miss hanging out at Starbucks. I miss listening to the songs that me and my friends used to play a dozen times a day without anyone of us ever complaining. I miss those quiet moments when I just stare at the far horizon (Manila Bay, that is) while listening to Pachelbel Canon in D. I miss buying breakfast at Mr. Donuts and eating lunch from Jolly Jeep.

Then again, it's probably not these things that I've mentioned that I miss. I just probably miss the old times; the way it was - my comfort zone.

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