The pretty-crazy life of a late 20ish career-driven, quirky, Asian drama addict who thinks she's Holden Caulfield in real life.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Cat Talk

I can't believe that it's been more than a month since I last wrote here. I guess I was too pre-occupied with keeping myself busy and meaning to be really busy that I refused to visit my blogger until I saw a spider crawling out of the 'web' already. Funny pun, don't ya think?

It's quite unusual that I choose to write tonight, at exactly 11:30pm on the eve of Maundy Thursday about something that has not anything to do with Lent. Some people would probably think I should be writing about reflecting on my sins and all those activities that we do during this time of the year, but I think it's just not me. I have a very high respect on the Holy Week considering that I grew up with a family that so strictly observes it, with such passion and tradition. I could probably say I am not really a fan despite the fact that there's a guilty tugging on my conscience about it. Here I am, typing on my laptop, while everybody else out there are singing the 'Pasyon'. I may not be really religious but I do believe in Christ's sacrifices...

Okay, going to the true idea of this blog... I put 'Cat talk' in the title 'coz I wanted to talk about my cat Miyo and how we are quite worried about him having rabies. About two Saturdays ago, he bit me and my sister while we were giving him a bath. I know what you are thinking right now: why the hell did i gave a cat a bath? (Here in the Philippines, it is a stupid superstition - cat's are not supposed to be given baths since they could lick themselves). I just don't believe in that thing. Again, I would revert to my same and only argument - if cats aren't supposed to have baths, why did they ever invented, cat shampoos and cat soaps and all those 'cattoiletries' eh?
Anyway, Miyo is acting quite different. I wouldn't day strange or weird; just different. He's not his usual annoyingly super hyper self. He's always sleeping and he's drooling at times. But the thing is he still eats like a dog and he drinks water. He still plays but not as enthusiastic as he does before. He's just probably growing up, some people here say but I can't still help but to get worried.

Now, if you're gonna ask, if we are taking anti-rabies shots, the answer is a painful yes! We've had two already plus an anti-tetanus vaccine. We missed the third one because of the holiday, but we're definitely getting it as soon as things get back on schedule. This is quite scary if you'll ask me but whatelse can I do, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear the rabies shots are really painful and that sometimes they inject into the bite of the stomach. Where did they inject you? Even tetanus is not fun.