The pretty-crazy life of a late 20ish career-driven, quirky, Asian drama addict who thinks she's Holden Caulfield in real life.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Singapore dream...or anywhere but here

My back is aching and my arse is numb. I've been infront of my computer for hours, searching the net for job openings abroad - particularly in Singapore. I don't really know what came to me but when I opened my yahoo mail and saw occasional job postings for Singapore, I thought "What the heck, it wouldn't hurt to try." And so, here I am trying my luck =)

I remember telling myself that I would only leave my current job for a job overseas - preferably in Singapore or anywhere in Asia. I wouldn't want to go too far yet but hey, anywhere but here will do. I am probably so desperate and my feet are itching too much to get away. I always wonder how an independent life (as a grown-up this time) would be. My independence during my college years was completely different 'coz I had to live by my parents' money and generosity and not my own.

I always dream of having my own place somewhere abroad, living a simple yet pro-active life. I will be going grocery shopping on weekends, eat at diners (alone most of the time), go home and watch whatever's on the tube, indulge in my favorite books and movies, volunteer at corporate socio-civic works, travel at nearby countries once in a while and enjoy the company of some new found friends. Me, myself and I on a foreign land... sounds really exciting.

Why Singapore? I just fell in love with the place the first time I saw it last year. The people, the places, the way of life. Compared with other Asian countries I've been to, I love it the most. I admire how people are well disciplined and respectful of the government. Although I sometimes fear how people's seriousness might be contagious. We all need to smile and laugh at our foolishness sometimes.

1 comment:

Random Thoughts said...

hi Tet,

I bet you are surprised! I was just surfing the net and browsing thru multiply sites and serendipitously came across yours. After surfing your multiply site, i ended up reading this. I love your blog and I just want you to know that I like the idea of me finally being able to see how well you are doing. You are missed and lets have coffee soon. Check me out as well: www.muchadoaboutallthings.blogspot.com