The pretty-crazy life of a late 20ish career-driven, quirky, Asian drama addict who thinks she's Holden Caulfield in real life.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Old feelings... (summer na!) Ang Labo.

I swear I could curse here all I want but my internet connection wouldn't improve one bit. I've been infront of the monitor the moment I woke up because of that letcheng business plan that I have to submit to the ogre. I don't want to give it on Monday; I want it done ASAP. kung pwede nga lang isampal sa ngala-ngala niya, ginawa ko na.... (ayshhhh...)

Anyway, I don't want to take things the negative way but I feel that worse feeling of 'losing' someone again. Well I hope, it's just me who's pathetically thinking about it; I hope it's just another paranoia from my end. I mean, the feeling is too familiar to miss - it's like a gush of wind - you could never go wrong; it could totally mess up your hair (whew.. ang labo ng metaphor ko). Okay, now... I don't want to say anything more... Mum's the word.

Then, there's this someone whom I thought I already forgotten. My, my , my... was I really wrong. It's as if that void wasn't there at all. It's like we're on that same time, the exact same moment. Nothing's changed. And I'm surprising myself a lot -- why do I love the feeling?


It's really hot!!! Summer na!!! Boracay! Galera! Camiguin! Coron! Anilao! Matabungkay! Hinulugang-taktak! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?! Ahahahaha... I was just kidding about the last two...

Our office is planning a summer outing and I was the one tasked to organized everything. Funny thing is that when somebody asks me excitedly where we are going, me and my evil counterpart, Ladyholden, enjoys deflating their high hopes by replying "Matabungkay o kaya Hinulugang Taktak" hihihi. But seriously, I'm goign for Galera... Sana (keeping both my fingers crossed) 'coz it's the closest thing to Boracay (which I'm never gonnna see until May) and I suspect that our budget could only afford. Even doubt about it.

Anyway, the damn PDF AQ File that I've been downloading the last two hours hasn't moved one bit. I give up. Siyet.

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