I often find friends through music; probably, it really is my life. As long as it is / they are there, I will keep on breathing.
And so I thank Dishwalla with all my heart for introducing me to Kaching a.k.a Kach, Kay, Kai (what’s the difference?). It may be very trivial for others but I think that’s how the universe conspired to make us good friends. Hadn’t she known I like Dishwalla, she wouldn’t have lent me her precious iPod (kala ko nga ibibigay na e… haha... kiddin’) to let me indulge in the sweetness of that band’s melodies and hymns. The rest is history… Actually no; we will never be history for I know this friendship would last a lifetime, generation gap and all (errr…. peace?!?!?!)
Katherine Kay Choa Ching – such a charming name for a tough persona. But it isn’t all about what we see from the outside. Beyond that armor is a sensitive heart, a crybaby, a tear-jerker as proven by the number of days she went to work with two swollen-shut eyes from too much crying. God knows how cumbersome her predicaments were at that time and we can only be glad she overcame. If there’s ever a girl who has balls, si kaching yun!
Kach, that girl who’s pretty inside out, clumsy as she may seem from time to time (remember showing the world your open fly in one of your cigarette breaks? How about your constant tripping-in-your-own-foot episodes?) is an angel who [probably] lost her wings upon threading the chaos of the mortal world. She may appear stern, a certified biAtch to those who gets on her neck and a nightmare to those who aspire to overthrow her powerful stance but to us she’s a friend, an ally, a guru of the geniuses of the 80s I so failed to witness… (Mabuhay ang Echo and the Bunnymen!) tsk… tsk… But on a serious note, she’s a mother to a wounded child, a big sister to the naïve (like me? Hehe) and the St. Nick of those who often crave (like me again =))
I would surely miss those hearty laughs, those fits caused by our sometimes unfathomable sense of humor. I will surely ache for your occasional ‘tag-praning’ episodes; the rated-R conversations between you and Vida [and yea, Gelai) that appall the hell out of me (hehe… ang bababoy!!!) and my regular “second hand” nicotine dosage from our cigarette breaks. It’s amazing how you can make the whole world laugh and cry with you without lifting a finger. I wish I could do the same.
So now I wish you GodBless on your journey to the outside world. (naks!) You’ve been there; you’ve done that. You know how to make it work. You always have my prayers. Mishuuuuuuuuuu bunch already.
1 comment:
thanks thet! i am touched!
mabuhay ang echo and the (rabbit) bunnymen!!!
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