The pretty-crazy life of a late 20ish career-driven, quirky, Asian drama addict who thinks she's Holden Caulfield in real life.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

J.K. Rowling fan

In my ultra-eagerness to learn what Harry's fate would be (or the details at least) in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, I never stopped reading until I finished last night. I am a big (and old) a fan of Harry Potter and boy, did I get occasional goose bumps here and there while nearing the ending... and I cried a lot too. I adored some of the characters that were extinguished in the battle against He-Who-Must-Be-Named. I am heartbroken. Okay, I'd say no more as I don't want to be a spoiler

Speaking of spoilers...

Yesterday morning, I was watching the Today Show and as I was inside the shower, I heard the theme of Harry Potter being played in the background. I peeked in (despite totally being covered in shampoo and soap lather) and there she was, her royal highness, the great Harry Potter creator, J.K. Rowling being interviewed by Meredith Vieira swarmed by double a dozen kids. I cannot help it so I got out of the bathroom, soapy and shampooey and all and watched the interview. In my haste decision, I knew everything that I had to without even finishing the book. At least, I got the info from the author herself and not from some arrogant, show-off retard who thinks he / she's better than the others for finishing the book ahead of the lot. I promise I wouldn't be like that because if you're a real Potter fan, you know what respect means. Okay, I am being overboard.

Anyway, now that the Potter series is complete, J.K. says she's planning to come up with a Harry Potter Encyclopedia... yay.. can't wait! I got so interested in J.K. Rowlings life that I googled her up. Here's what I found.

Some interesting watch in youtube:

Deathly Hallows Q&A Interview
Tribute to the Heroes at the Battle of Hogwart - I cried watching this one... seriously!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI! fellow fan!! hehehe its my rest day andgot nothing to do.. found ur comment(thanks! give me a ring sometime..) so i browsed ur site and well anyway, im sooooooo tempted to open wat u found about J.K. Rowling and HP the deadly hallows but i havent found the time to buy and read the book... ^_^
i promise i'll read watever u found once i've read deadly hallows (hopefully soon...)