The pretty-crazy life of a late 20ish career-driven, quirky, Asian drama addict who thinks she's Holden Caulfield in real life.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Post-Vacation blah

just the other day, i was sooo excited to tell people about my Hong Kong experience. Well, actually, there's really so much to tell; I just don't have the gusto to write about it. Now, I'm suppose to be working on some things -- my real work and the 'on the sides' -- but hell, just when I am starting to gain my momentum to finish some stuffs for my Asian Quality, Wayne invaded my little own working world to use my PC and I am here at his table blogging myself away. Haayy, this guy, I could really kill... grrr...

Anyway, I am once again torn by a dilemma that only me could answer. My question is, if you're not really happy with what you are doing, but you still have the propensity to do it, would you just give up and flush everything that you've started working on down the drain?

A friend called me up the other day to tell me that she's in need of an assistant in Public Relations (PR) and I am the perfect candidate. In short, she wants me to work "for" her. The PR job is really something that I wanted to do, after my journalism career episode (whoa, did i just say that?!?!). Well, based on her offer, the pay is good but it is not really something to brag about but it will definitely help me go by. And the opportunity to become a core part of a newly-established department in a well-known government bureau is not really something I could just pass up. In other words, I would really love to have that job.

My dilemma: I am not sure if just resigning amid all these Asian Quality madness is the right thing to do. It is already moving and I would love to be a part of this endeavor. I woud surely love to see its first issue printed. But it is not coming out until July, so there.
Second, I will surely miss the company of my friends here -- these people whom I have grown to love more each day. Another working setting would mean another set of people to know and not really please but work in harmony with.

Anyway, I'll have to decide sooner if I really want to get a hold of that job. This makes me sad really.


kai said...

if it's for you...it's for you. go for it if your heart's in it.

we'll just be here :)


Kat said...

Thet, listen to your heart.

Never hesitate. (-:

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