I can't remember when did I ever start to become a workaholic. I always see myself as someone who has life beyond the confines of the corporate war zone, but the way I see it now, I am in the middle of it - not caring one bit to get pass through the safety border. I am not enjoying it but it gets me too preoccupied that it makes me forget about my other troubles.
Since the company gave me the 'honor' of granting me my own laptop, I usually find myself immersed at work, this
little devil at hand, squeezing thoughts out of my mind. I can't even stand not checking work-related emails during weekends. My unni says this is becoming an addiction - a very bad habit. And what can I say, I totally agree.
It's just that it seems that my work has no clear ending. It's the kind of job that doesn't just rest. When I finish an issue (content developments and all), I have to source [contents] for the next one. Although we have a regular pool of writers, it would need a lot of following-up and sometimes, it's just so tiring. On top of these, we are on a constant lookout for possible contributors, events to sponsor or partner with, potential advertisers - which turns me into a sales and marketing at a snap of a finger! I really didn't imagine myself pleasing the sh*ts out of somebody to win a deal. It's not bad actually; it just isn't me.
I often get bashing from the high and mighty 'ogre; whenever I pose this attitude, flashing on and off on my forehead. He's right when he says that as a team leader, one should be able to take accountability for everything that's been happening within the group. Entonces, excuses, reasoning or whatever-you-call-it are deemed unacceptable.
As I often tell my friend Chinchin, I am probably 'crossing-over' from a perpetually-disoriented-and-disgruntled-employee to a someone who has finally saw things from beyond that borderline. In other words, thinking responsibly. But this doesn't necessarily translate to acting like a total stuck up, arrogant, money-eyed tyrant who thinks psyching out people and making their lives miserable would make himself better than the others. That is, generally speaking. =)